

Aug 30th 2019

I recently received the greatest note in the mail from a Baby Be Hip customer and friend. She shared that you never truly know what an impact a personalized baby gift could have on another. Isn’t that the truth? She shared a picture of her friend and her son who clearly believes that our personalized burp cloths make the best loveys. Just look at it! Ha! In the picture, Daniel, who was 5 in the picture is holding his well-loved and tattered personalized burp cloth from Baby Be Hip. I think it is better if I share the note she wrote to me and the picture. The pictures shows that his burp cloth is his lovey and will be a forever keepsake. I just about died when I read this. We love hearing these stories so please share yours with us. It makes us smile a lot! We loved it so much that we wanted to share it with you all.

 Hi Colleen,

I came upon this photograph of my friend and her son with his Baby Be Hip “burp” cloth given in 2006. He was 5 years old in this picture (now soon to be 10 years old). His mom tells me he still sleeps with it every night. It has had many repairs over the years by his grandmom but as you can see, it is still very much loved.

You can never tell the impact one gift can have. Thought you might enjoy hearing this….

We love these stories. Want to read another, check out this Tales of a Personalized Burp Cloth. Hilarious. And if you have your own story and pictures of your personalized baby gift and the many uses it’s had, please email us as we’d love to hear from you and feature you too on an upcoming blog.